Monday 23 January 2017

Healing Assignment 3 : Bubbly concoction

Next time you go shopping, please :
- buy the ingredients for the alternate washing detergent,
- in order to then make some alternate washing powder/liquid for your washing machine
- and try it in a wash (and maybe tell your friends to give it a shot too, if it works out for you? ;) is it cheaper?)

(the mixes on the links are just a suggestion to what you could do)

Avoid VOCs (you can google it is chemical/s in washing detergents that are dangerous/toxic), and try to find alternatives to chemicals that you use that live around your house and aura, or go into your skin, such as pharmaceutical creams - do you care enough for your body, the vessel which you are using, You?!! How about the environment, with the chemicals that you use, as well?

You have to heal yourself before others, so clearing your own house, before helping others to clear their houses and do the same, is a great way to start!


On the following link, below there are some free light language transmissions to help start to healing and clearing process:

Learn how to quickly/safely/efficiently cultivate your internal energy (chi) to significantly increase healing potential:

How to easily block EMF radiation to improve sleep and wellbeing:

Some really amazing health advice!!!:

You can pray to Angels (also known as Extraterrestials / higher dimensional beings) for healing/protection for yourself, I highly advise it!

Monday 16 January 2017

Healing assignment 2 : Any-day, any-time, out and about!

(if you don't have the ability to do this, please ask about it in the fb group / in the comments section below, so that we can all join in, anyone can do this!):

a- A fun and easy thing I do, is to walk around with crystals/powerful charged orgone device (orgonite, from ) in my backpack.

b- furthermore, light up / Light(house)Beakon, shield, then as you walk past people, give them +1UPs with light, put their auras in light or scan and remove a (negative/dark patch) block from each passing person, or give them energetic shields, or something that you prefer similar, do what your intuition pulls you to do ;)

Remember to take in your energy from another source and not by draining yourself!
As *you go around your town, and 'lighten up' the place,* or practice good intentions and healing on others walking past you. 

Hopefully that is a blessing to them and the area, and not an invasion of free will ~ /someone/ needs to/should do it... If only many people did this, how lovely would the intentions be!

So please, don't forget it, get method/tactic/s, and give it a go!
If you have suggestions for the next assignments, please message me 


I have watched this whole series, Spirit Science, and for learning spiritual knowledge, it is very useful, it is packed full of information! :

Teal Swan Energy Healing 101:

Sunday 15 January 2017

Healing assignment 1 : For Beginners

I wish to make sure every beginner/newbie has 'got' this / knows these things:

- How to bring energy up into your from the Earth (beneath of you) - give it a go!

- [Just imagine it, and can you feel it? Connect/feel the crystal layer, then move an amount of energy using your imagination up through your EarthStar chakra, feet, legs, up your body, and out the top of your head (up from crown chakra) into higher positioned chakras or even out of your hands

- (or bringing/calling in the energy around of you, for example, you can even take ki from the air that you breathe, to move and transform it)

- Make an energy (or light/healing/ psy) ball/bubble/sphere with your hands (the video for this is below : )

For all the newcomers: This is where all these 'assignments' are originating:
Are you looking to join a team who are at a range of abilities in superLYnatural healing / spiritual learning / reiki, working together to improve themselves and heal the planet unconditionally?
Come join us, be a Lightworker together, at :
You can be of any age/gender/country/background, but you must be of LoveLight, and dedicated to generally increasing vibration, positive mindset! We are friends, in this light spreading team, with a compulsory group chat on fb to stick together and learn from each other! You'll be asked why you wish to join, you can't just be an idle member, so make it good ;3

Introductory post:

Many people are brainwashed - if you are wanting to spiritually heal people, I am looking for people who want to learn with me, to be taught and self-teaching by finding and shareing together [please read below to see what would be focused on]
Brainwashing can happen from these mass abductions and in day-to-day life, (eg problems with consciousness grids, food poisioning/manipulation, but also by deep hypnotic events by Greys, Reptilians, and other negative beings - don't underestimate their power/knowledge in comparison to us! I hate to say, about the bad side.
I know someone with the brainwashing, but they also in many cases, put 'booby traps' so even if you try to surface and clear the memories of abduction incidents of these people and cure them, other things kick in, if not cleared properly eg 'kill the person that cleared you, and your family, or get into an accident - it is really that severe, ordinary people on the street have this, and that is why they are continuing to be sheeple despite new energies and heart openings) -
And learning about past life conditioning of humans and their slave-like life, conformity/obeying the working life (9-5 school preparing kids for 9-5 working conditions) is already horrifying/shocking, that soo many are too dumbed down to look up beyond this life vision
< They Need Our UNConditional Love! >
without deep help they won't even think about believeing in the stars~
Most/just about all people have negative 'attachments' too that control how they feel, with thoughts secretly implanted by 4D entities and emotional control in their auras/chakras, and chords weighing them down that need clearing and then new light energy filling that once-dusty/dim space.
it is really hard to find the right help - I found this when I had some starseedy friends who were getting attacked and I did not have the power to distance heal/help them 'send these beings 'to the light'' - I don't quite know what that means other than Source energy, its a specialist spiritual subject, that we need to figure, imo it's pretty sad
The people who did 'house clearings and upliftings' found online, were charging like $300! That would not be affordable to myself... We cannot be in a world where doctors won't help someone if they are not being paid buckets of cash, because this is currently so - let us be the change that we wish to be, healers 
We can pray to (Arch)Angels or ETs or other people, but they cant do all the weight-work and it is their choice to help or not, so we have to learn how to do this clearing some people charge $300 for an hour clearing work, its ridiculous! I want to find others who want to learn and team up with me. Gaia doesn't get paid (not that she wants money), but hurt, due to the limitations of the healling
We came here to HEAL EARTH and Help Humans - if you think learning things like:
- Reiki (people with illnesses that can be healled without pharmaceuticals, or helping others to expand with light down their spine tubes for example)
- Crystal healling, using crystals or orgone devices
- making/teaching/distributing spiritual knowledge
- Removing negative energies like ELF waves and EMF radiation
Please Let Us make our move!!! Because as you can see, there is a lot we do not know, but really should aught to know. Maybe you'll also find some other spiritual talents and abilities along the way, let us be selfless light_workers! [the google images is cool 'bending/energy moving images! Some of the images really resonate with me :D] Thank you all, Thank You, ZaZuMa!~

[previous posts, if you scroll down the wall you'll find these separately shared:]